Yes, we did it again! Another great project brought to you by the Molok studios localization team. and with an official press release, Plaion extends the movies’s presence in theaters:
Unanimously welcomed with enthusiastic reviews by Italian critics and the most influential personalities of the anime world, the film will continue to be available in more than 100 theaters throughout Italy—the first country in Europe and the entire West to have the opportunity to see the title on the big screen.
After the original language preview on May 10th and thanks to the unanimous consensus during its first week in theaters, THE FIRST SLAM DUNK, already acclaimed by many as a “masterpiece,” continues its adventure in Italian cinemas. This provides another opportunity for fans of the manga, as well as lovers of sports epics and great cinema, to admire Inoue’s vision on the big screen, along with one of the best anime ever made in CGI.